Monday, November 3, 2008

ONE Country, THREE Education [Jan 30, 2003]

Date: Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:03 pm
Sub: [ALOCHONA] ONE Country, THREE Education

Dear Alochoks,

Don’t you think it is time for us to change our education system and
existing curriculum?

Not being an expert in the education sector, one can easily see how
differentiate our education system. The discrimination emerged from the
social class and financial ability. Three basic segregations can be found in
total education system from a quick view:

1. Regular Bangla medium school, college, or university
2. English-medium kindergarten, school, college/foreign affiliation
3. MADRASSAH education

The maximum number of students is in the regular Bangla group, and this is the main stream.
education system of a country. Next to this, the Madrassah group takes second.
position. The English education trend has grown recently, and students are
increasing continuously in the last few years. This is the 3rd group.

If we look carefully, we will find that the three basic groups have three different
social class, and they have obvious discrimination in the quality of
education. Economic conditions play the most vital role here. Bangla school
is for the middle class, English school is for the elite class, and Madrassah
Education is mostly for poor villagers.

What answer I look for in this article is: How did the country adopt three kinds
of the education system without having any government declarations? Government
allocate the highest amount of money for education every year. But where is the
governments control the quality of education? What is the official
declaration of our education system? Ever seen any government comment about
What are the three kinds of general education in Bangladesh? If it is not the government, then
Who has the authority to decide the education system in the country?

Though this is the reality, I feel no good in seeing education as any
other commodities in a free market economy. If the government declares the
Education as a commodity should be done by official declaration. Otherwise
The government should address the matter clearly.

So far, I know, a large number of madrassahs called 'khareji' madrassah even
not controlled by any government body. The government doesn't even know what is
their curriculam. The same thing happened to the English-medium kids at school. The
The school authority decides what they will study. Many of these schools import
books from western countries, and students read western folklore. Meaning of
Some words can't be found even in the dictionary we can buy in Bangladesh. I
I cannot agree that this kind of English education can develop our country.
Instead, it has become fashionable to send the kids to English school.

If there is no alternative but to continue these three education systems, the government
must declare a basic policy for education, and the development should be like

1. Develop the quality of Bangla education. Prohibit 'nokol' culture forever.
2. Monitor and supervise the madrassah education. Add regular Bangla books.
more so that they can live their life as a common citizen instead of just
being a'mullah'.
3. Similar curricula for all English mediums, and the books must be written
by the Bangladeshi people with useful words. Sri Lanka and India can be taken.
as an example)

Peace for all,

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